
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity" - Aristotle

V.E.T has continued to grow in the academic by nurturing potential motive of education. The curriculum is dynamic and holistic in nature. Equal emphasis laid on both Scholastic and Co-Scholastics. Our teaching and learning are based on proven educational practice we use cognitive emotional and environmental to help student to absorb the learning process and retain information more effectively. We indulge the technical and the visual approaches in our teaching and learning process. So, that student will be more centric over the learning practices. Teacher’s methodology help to identify the progress of students and to fill the gap resumed for desired learning process. We are using earning process by indulging annual plans, regular lesson plans, activities etc.. and to ensure systematic flow of education.

The school is reputed for its excellent results in board exams. In order to cope with the rapidity with which knowledge itself changes, today’s students must seek to achieve academic excellence, hence students at V.E.T are given individual attention. Periodical test and exams, activity based learning are practiced on regular bases to bring out the best in results in students with supplementary study material to help student with extra knowledge and to prepare them for competitive exams. Best students’ performer will be award from all the grades in every test and exams based on CCE patters.

In Pre-School we follow Montessori play way method of learning with the students, teacher ration of 20:1, Which helps in observing individual child’s characteristics, tendencies, innate talents and abilities.

VET School functions as following at V.V. Puram

  • V.E.T. Little Champs - Pre- primary
  • V.E.T. Lower Primary School
  • V.E.T. Higher Primary School
  • V.E.T. High School


"To teach a student is to teach a soul forever"

The importance of teachers in any academic programme cannot be overemphasized. All our faculty members are well trained and many have significant experience in and out of vicinity.

As teachers and educators they are more than professionals, lifelong learners. We organize continuous development programmer for our teachers with workshops and seminars.

Tests and Exams

Test and Exam is the way to express real knowledge and ability in the written form.

Unit Test, monthly tests, terminal exams are conducted as per state board pattern and the students are evaluated.

Parent teacher meetings are conducted after every test & exam so that the progress of the students is discussed and solutions are found for student's progress.


The Trust awards the toppers in board exams every year.

  • The scholarships will be given to the students for excellence in academics and encouraged specially for the needy students.
  • Financial aid ranging from 25% fee waiver to 100% fee waiver is granted to students on extreme compassionate grounds to enable them to pursue uninterrupted studies provided a student maintain a fair grade /marks of excellence in academics.